Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Primary Stupidity

Let's just chose the presidential candidates now and be done with it.  In fact, after we elect the 2008 candidate we should immediately start looking at the successor for the 2012 elections.

I still don't understand why the news organizations haven't pointed out the obvious folly in choosing candidates so much earlier.  It gives the opposing party a lot longer to dig up dirt. 

Right now the dirt gatherers for each part must focus on a group of people.  Roughly 3-4 people in each party have a good or fair chance at receiving the nomination.  That means they must split their resources for each candidate.  In previous elections they only had a few months to focus on each candidate.  Now they'll have almost a whole year. 

And the worst part is once you selected the candidate, you have to ride out whatever dirt they find.  It's going to be an interesting election. 


At 8:01 PM, Blogger Groove Talking... said...

I always dread elections. I watched some of the debate the other day (it is what my mom had on tv) otherwise I never would have watched it. None of it is real anyway, just a lot of blabbing on about things they SAY they will do in office.

p.s. I liked your post about the crows, very funny.


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