Bluetooth Headsets
One thing that makes me laugh or stare is the bluetooth headset for cell phones. It's a wonderful invention that allows people hands free access to their phones. Unfortunately it also gives them the appearance of a raving lunatic.
Don't people realize only half the people who see them understand they are talking on the phone? The other half are standing on the side of the person where the headset is not visible. To them you simply look like a raving lunatic.
Last night was a prime example of this problem. Jamie and I were walking back from a restaurant. Ahead of us I vaguely saw a man standing in the street screaming "Pippy! Pippy! Dance!!!". Taking it to be a homeless crazy person we casually moved to the opposite part of the sidewalk. Getting closer I realized this was an exceptionally well dressed homeless person. As he did a spin move on the street I realized this in fact was a bluetooth head case to whom "Pippy" apparently meant something.
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