2:00 AM Saturday Morning
There's nothing good on TV. 7 hours from the NFL draft though which should be exciting. My money is on the Lion's drafting the next NFL bust. It's not the players fault, they're at the mercy of being drafted by the Lion's.
Code, rants and ramblings of a programmer.
There's nothing good on TV. 7 hours from the NFL draft though which should be exciting. My money is on the Lion's drafting the next NFL bust. It's not the players fault, they're at the mercy of being drafted by the Lion's.
After many frustrating encounters with people who just don't understand how get through a 2 way yield sign I decided to be proactive and give a little refresher course.
Rule #1: If you are approaching an intersection and intending to go straight or right, and there are no visible signs, keep driving. Do not do any of the following
Rule #2: If you are approaching and intersection and you see a yield sign then slow down and if there are cars coming treat it as a stop sign. If not you may proceed with caution. Do not
And I'm not lying when I say this but you may proceed without coming to a full stop if there are no cars, pedestrians or other physical objects in front of your car.
Now lets combine the two. Image there are streets where one way has no visible signs and the other way has yield signs. Don't panic when you see these streets. Instead follow the simple rules outlined above. Panicing leads to one of the below.
Don't you hate it when you wake up before the alarm? Especially when you're dog tired and you notice that you have less than 10 minutes left.
I have dogs and like most dogs they love car rides. When I start my "taking the dogs in the car" routine in the house, they know and they get excited. But not all places we take them are great. One of them doesn't particularly like the Vet.